For over 30 years, I have lived and loved the antiques business, gradually sculpting a distinctive eye for unique objects and eclectic collections.

We transform interiors through bringing the past into your future creations. We believe inspiration is the first step to an exquisitely decorated space, home or office.

Our aim is not only to provide objects of beauty but to stimulate the senses of our clients.

Our values are beyond antiques. We connect beauty to sustainability resulting in a unique aesthetic that values inspiration, design and uncompromising quality.

I started the business when I was 21 with a fortuitous meeting with a dealer in South London who taught me the ropes and took me under his wing. Here I developed my eye for quality and the unusual.  He gave me the confidence to set up on my own and embark on this beautiful journey which continues to this day. What I love about this business is the freedom, creativity and the working collaborations and long term client relationships I have formed over many years. 

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Early on, I decided to learn how to restore as I wanted to buy beautiful objects which required being brought back to their former glory.  During this time, I met the exceptional craftsman that joined me and still forms part of our team. I like working with furniture and luggage that had another use in a previous life that we can repurpose for today’s modern lifestyle.   

My style is quite eclectic, leaning more towards a masculine strong feel. I’d like to describe my style as fun and unique. I rarely follow a trend and prefer to express my personality through the items we buy and restore. I love texture, tend to choose a neutral colour palate, am inspired by nature and love to combine these to create warm interior spaces. I am passionate about making objects and collections beautiful again and transfer them from my care to my customers’ care so they can live for another hundred years. 
